

Graduate Faculty

Graduate Faculty by College/School

Graduate Faculty Membership    

Criteria* for ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½University Graduate Faculty Membership

¿Û¿Û´«Ã½University has three categories of Graduate Faculty Membership – Member, Associate Member and Special Appointee. Criteria for each membership category are listed below.

Member: Faculty eligible to be Full Members of the graduate faculty include tenured, tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty with the following ranks: Professor, Research Professor, Associate Professor, Research Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Research Assistant Professor. The highest degree in a respective field,usually a PhD, is required but exceptions may be granted in some cases.Full Membership requires that a faculty member be actively engaged in research; possess a record of peer-  reviewed scholarly production in national and international journals and conference proceedings, in the last five years; and have prior experience in mentoring graduate ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ and/or the supervision of undergraduate research; have submitted proposals as a PI/Co-PI in the past three years (Funded or Non Funded.

A Full Member of the graduate faculty is eligible to teach graduate courses, serve as major professor, co- major professor, and/or advisory committee member of Master’s or Doctoral Thesis Committees and serve as a member or chair of any graduate faculty committees and serve as a member of the Graduate Council.

Ex-officio Membership is held by the President, the Provost, and the Academic Deans .

Associate Member: Associate Member status may also be awarded for Adjunct, Visiting, and Clinical Faculty appointments, including government, corporate, private or community representatives or international experts with appropriate qualifications such as holding a terminal degree in a designated area or having contributed significantly in research/scholarship to national and global advances.

If the Associate Member does not hold a doctoral degree, there must be demonstrable evidence (e.g. publications, creative works) that the candidate possesses the experience, knowledge, and capability in the area of intended participation in the graduate program of the university.

An Associate Member may teach graduate courses and serve as member or co-chair (but not as chair)  of a graduate student's Advisory Committee.

Special Appointment: Nationally and internationally recognized scholars and authorities whose merits are clearly established need not be measured by standard criteria and may be recommended for special appointment of defined duration and explicit responsibilities by the department head and the documented concurrence of the College Dean.

Process: The process for admission to all categories of Graduate Faculty Membership includes the following: submission of a full resume, accompanied by a letter of recommendation from the department Head and College Dean to the Dean of Graduate School.  The Dean of Graduate Studies in consultation with the members of the graduate council recommends the names of faculty members to be certified as Graduate Faculty to the Provost/Vice-President for Academic Affairs. The Provost/Vice-President for Academic Affairs then makes the appointment of faculty members to the Graduate Faculty.


*revised January 2018