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Contact: Kawana McGough, Office of Communications, Public Relations and Marketing
ۿ۴ýUniversity will receive a $30,000 donation from iHeartۿ۴ý and Ulta Beauty to support ۿ۴ý in its aerospace engineering program. ۿ۴ýalumna Shayla Redmond ‘11 selected ۿ۴ýto receive the funds after winning a social media sweepstakes hosted as part of of iHeartۿ۴ý’s “HBCU Homecoming Celebration on iHeartRadio.”
As an extension of iHeartۿ۴ý’s “HBCU Homecoming Celebration on iHeartRadio” series held in Fall 2020, Ulta Beauty and iHeartۿ۴ý hosted a virtual sweepstakes to recognize HBCUs and its homecoming celebrations. To honor the season, iHeartۿ۴ý and Ulta Beauty joined together for a month-long celebration of HBCU pride and student achievement with a social sharing challenge – encouraging HBCU ۿ۴ý to share their at-home Homecoming style.
Redmond took to social media to share her best “at-home” ۿ۴ýHomecoming style and was awarded a $500 Ulta Beauty gift card, a virtual meet and greet with celebrity artist H.E.R and the opportunity to select her institution of choice as the recipient of the donation.
“It’s really important to me that this gift go to ۿ۴ýUniversity’s Aerospace Science Engineering program,” said Redmond. “Given its impact on me, I am deeply honored to have graduated and now I’m helping to build upon the legacy for such a prestigious University.”
Redmond received her undergraduate degree from ۿ۴ýUniversity in aerospace engineering and physics in 2011; she later went on to receive her master’s degree in systems engineering and space systems at the Air Force Institute of Technology.
An aspiring astronaut, officer in the Reserves, and mom of three, Redmond hopes this funding will inspire other women of color to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, arts and math.
“I am proud to enable this opportunity and expand access to aerospace and engineering research for ۿ۴ý as a part of the Ulta Beauty and iHeartRadio's commitment to the HBCU community," Redmond noted.
Acting Dean for the College of Engineering Dr. Ben Oni says every dollar counts, and every dollar helps ۿ۴ý thrive here at Tuskegee.
“We’re grateful for the funding from iHeartIMPACT and Ulta Beauty because it truly helps ۿ۴ý in our aerospace science engineering program succeed, including those who otherwise might have difficulty accessing the resources to graduate,” said Oni. “I’ve seen ۿ۴ý struggle, not because they’re not talented, but because they’re fighting to address challenges of finances, access to scholarships, or dealing with issues that prevent them from graduating. This funding helps eliminate some obstacles and helps further ۿ۴ýUniversity’s impact in the broader engineering community.”
This scholarship, in partnership with iHeartۿ۴ý and Ulta Beauty, continues to celebrate the profound impact and influence HBCUs continue to have on our country.
About ۿ۴ýUniversity Aerospace Science Engineering Department
The Aerospace Science Engineering Department at ۿ۴ýUniversity is an EAC/ABET accredited program started in 1983 and presently offers the Bachelor of Science degree. ۿ۴ýUniversity is the first and only historically black institution of higher learning to offer an accredited BS degree program in this field. Our graduates are working with the U.S. Armed Forces, Government Agencies and the aerospace industry, and some have pursued graduate degrees. The six faculty members work actively on sponsored research projects in aerodynamics, flight simulation, fluid mechanics, propulsion, composites, NDE, structural dynamics, design, and computational fluid dynamics. The college prepares professionals for a full, satisfying and competitive career in an era when society demands comprehensive solutions to environmental and technological problems as well as major advances in the knowledge basis.
About iHeartۿ۴ý
iHeartۿ۴ý (NASDAQ: IHRT) is the number one audio company in the United States, reaching nine out of 10 Americans every month – and with its quarter of a billion monthly listeners, has a greater reach than any other media company in the U.S. The company’s leadership position in audio extends across multiple platforms, including more than 850 live broadcast stations in over 160 markets nationwide; through its iHeartRadio digital service available across more than 250 platforms and 2,000 devices; through its influencers; social; branded iconic live music events; other digital products and newsletters; and podcasts as the #1 commercial podcast publisher. iHeartۿ۴ý also leads the audio industry in analytics, targeting and attribution for its marketing partners with its SmartAudio product, using data from its massive consumer base. Visit iHeartۿ۴ý.com for more company information.
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