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ۿ۴ýUniversity Global Office hosts spring fair with focus on Black History

January 19, 2021

Contact: Kawana McGough, Office of Communications, Public Relations and Marketing

Virtual Global Fair 2021 flyer
Click on image to view flyer

Every Fall and Spring the ۿ۴ýUniversity Global Office sponsors its Global Education Passport Fair, the bi-annual event is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 16 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. CST. The event will take place virtually.

The fair will be held in conjunction with the university’s Black History Month program featuring Jamaican graphic artist Neville Garrick. Garrick designed iconic covers for Bob Marley albums and stage backgrounds for many of Marley's concerts. This year the fair is particularly relevant considering multiple TU ۿ۴ý have had the opportunity to travel to Jamaica in the early months of 2020.

Student Jabria Bell was one of the ۿ۴ý who had a chance to participate in the spring study-abroad experience in Jamaica. The agribusiness major says while visiting she had a chance to immerse herself into the Jamaican agriculture by having a first-hand experience in farming.

“I was able to connect with women and men from the farms that walked as living examples of the saying "being one with nature" which inspired me to begin my journey of not only eating healthier and getting serious about what goes in my body but also using all the opportunities I get to make a real change in the world and using my voice to educate others on the importance of protecting the earth, because we only get one,” noted Bell.

Bell says through the Global Office she was able to get the experience of seeing another culture while realizing she’s on the right path for becoming the person she’s meant to be.

“Agriculture is an endless field of opportunity and I know that my path for this career will be bold, different, and run off the foundation of helping the black community become more aware about agriculture,” said Bell.

After Bell’s trip to Jamaica, she took up a minor in international relations so she could learn about the policies of international agriculture. In addition to Bell returning back to the states, she has made it a habit to volunteer at Tuskegee's Farmers Market in order to show her appreciation and support to Tuskegee’s local black farmers.

This year, the Global Office is partnering with Tuskegee’s Black History Month program to encourage ۿ۴ý to explore the African Diaspora through the works of artist Neville Garrick’s art work, along with hearing about international travel opportunities and global internships.

“We are excited about this collaboration, right now is a great time for our ۿ۴ý to take advantage of virtual opportunities that offer them a chance to learn and explore the world outside of Mother Tuskegee,” said Dr. Rhonda Collier, director of the ۿ۴ýUniversity Global Office.

Zipporah Sowell also attended the latest global opportunity to Jamaica and she says her experience was historical, given the chance to learn more about Marcus Garvey and his desire to increase black prosperity and well.

“I gained knowledge about organic agriculture and Jamaican history. Some practices I found interesting were the use of dead leaves from the banana tree as mulch for other crops on the farmland,” she explained.

Sowell says while in Jamaica she was responsible for taking soil samples for the farmers of the Ujima Growers group.

“This was my first time conducting soil samples, however, I was able to learn very quickly and I will be able to apply this skill set in the future towards my plant and soil science courses and during future internships,” she continued.

Collier says this year’s fair promises some dynamic moments for everyone, including an African dancing presentation from Serina Hughes.

In keeping in tradition, the fair will discuss and provide information about current in-person and virtual abroad opportunities, scholarships, participants will be able to hear from past participants, and ۿ۴ý in attendance will be able to participate in the passport raffle.

TU ۿ۴ý attending the fair are encouraged to sign up for the passport raffle by registering at . In order to be eligible for a free passport, ۿ۴ý must provide proper documentation including; the original or certified birth certificates, state-issued driver’s license and ۿ۴ýUniversity student ID.

All interested individuals seeking to attend the virtual fair should visit . To learn more about the Global Office and its programs, contact Dr. Collier at rcollier@tuskegee.edu.  

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