

Chemistry Course Descriptions

CHEM 0101. INTRODUCTION TO CHEMISTRY. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lect.3, 3 credits. An introduction to chemical principles and fundamentals of mathematics in preparation for Chemistry 231. Topics include: math fundamentals, atomic theory, rules of chemical combinations and chemical equations and nomenclature. Students who have not had high school chemistry and/or low Math ACT scores may be advised to take this course. This course is not intended as a science elective for non-science majors. This course will not substitute for CHEM 231, General College Chemistry I.

CHEM 0200. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. A summary of modern chemistry and its relation to aspects of everyday living. The language of chemistry, the tools of the chemist, and chemical theories will be presented. The importance of these concepts to a non- scientist will be discussed.

CHEM 0221. GENERAL, ORGANIC AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY I. 1st Semester. Lect.Ìý3, 3 credits. An introduction to general chemistry for the Allied Health Sciences. Topics included are: atomic structure, periodic table, chemical bonds, states of matter and their physical properties, inorganic compounds, solutions and mixtures, radioactivity, hydrocarbons and their reactions. The course is designed for nursing, allied health education and other ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ pursuing careers that require an integrated specialized knowledge of selected concepts from general, organic and biological chemistry. Corequisite: CHEM 0223.

CHEM 0222. GENERAL, ORGANIC AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY II. 2nd Semester.ÌýLect. 3, 3 credits. A continuation of CHEM 0221 with an introduction to the study of organic and biological chemistry. Topics included are carbon compound families, structural properties and reactions, biological compound families, structural properties and reactions, nucleic acids, essential fluids, and the metabolic reactions of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Prerequisite: CHEM 0221. Corequisite: CHEM 0224.

CHEM 0223. GENERAL, ORGANIC AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I.Ìý1st Semester. Lab 2, 1 credit. Laboratory experiments that correlate with CHEM 0221. Corequisite: CHEM 0221.

CHEM 0224. GENERAL, ORGANIC AND BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY II.Ìý2nd Semester. Lab 2, 1 credit. Laboratory experiments that correlate with CHEM 0222. Corequisite: CHEM 0222; Prerequisite: CHEM 0223.

CHEM 0299. UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH. Summer, 2 credits. Introduction to the process of scientific research for undergraduate ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ enrolled in science, technology, and engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. A study of the elements of good research and how research is interpreted, reported and disseminated. An independent study project with presentation is required.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
CHEM 0231. GENERAL CHEMISTRY I. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. Lect. 3, Recitation 1, 4 credits. The principles of chemistry. Topics covered include: stoichiometry, atomic structure and periodic table, molecular structure, gas laws, kinetic molecular theory, oxidation and reduction, and properties of solids and liquids. The course is intended for science and engineering ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ who need a rigorous introductory course in chemistry as a prerequisite for advanced courses. Corequisites: CHEM 0233

CHEM 0232. GENERAL CHEMISTRY II. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. Lect. 3, Recitation 1, 4 credits. Topics studied include acids and bases, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium. The elements and their compounds are studied in terms of periodic relationships. Schemes for the detection and identification of the elements are used to illustrate descriptive chemistry and the principles of chemical equilibria. Prerequisite: CHEM 0231. Corequisite: CHEM 0234.

CHEM 0233. GENERAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY I. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. Lab 3, 1 credit. Introduction to Chemical Laboratory Techniques. Exercises exemplifying the principles of stoichiometry, chemical reactivity, chemical and physical separations, gas laws and molecular structure are performed. Techniques for the measurement of mass, volume, pressure, and temperature, and the graphical presentation of data are emphasized.

CHEM 0234. GENERAL CHEMISTRY LABORATORY II. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. Lab 3, 1 credit. A continuation of CHEM 0233. The principles presented in CHEM 0232 are applied to the laboratory study of rates of reactions, chemical equilibria, electrochemical cells and acid base and redox reactions. Limited qualitative analysis is included. Corequisite: CHEM 0232. Prerequisite: CHEM 0233.

CHEM 0236. INTRODUCTION TO ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Offered on demand. Lect. 1,ÌýLab 6, 3 credits. This course covers theory and practical aspects of chemical analysis. Areas covered are: volumetric analysis, gravimetric analysis, redox reactions, spectrophotometric analysis, and chromatographic analysis. This course emphasizes solutions to environmental problems. It can be substituted for CHEM 0233 and CHEM 0234. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.

CHEM 0237. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Acid/base chemistry, aqueous/non-aqueous chemistry, bonding models in inorganic chemistry, coordination chemistry, and descriptive chemistry of the main group transition elements.
Prerequisite: CHEM 0232.

CHEM 238. INTERMEDIATE INORGANIC SYNTHESIS. 1st Semester. Lab 3, 1 credit. TheÌýcourse features synthesis, purification and characterization of inorganic compounds. Main group compounds and transition metal complexes are prepared and characterized. The characterization of the compounds will be based on spectroscopic methods such as FTIR, NMR, Ìýand ÌýUV; magnetic susceptibility measurements and thermogravimetric analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 234. Corequisite: CHEM 237.
CHEM 0307. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Theory and methodology of chemical analysis, classical, electrochemical, spectrochemical and chromatographic methods. Prerequisites: CHEM 0232 and 0234. Corequisite: CHEM 0308.

CHEM 0308. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS LABORATORY. 2nd Semester. Lab 6, 2 credits.ÌýLaboratory application of selected methods presented in CHEM 0307. Corequisite: CHEM 0307.

CHEM 0320. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY I. 1st Semester, Summer. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Nomenclature, physical properties and reactions of carbon compounds; reaction mechanisms; spectroscopy as an aid to the elucidation of molecular structures. Prerequisites: CHEM 0232 and 0234. Corequisite: CHEM 0322.

CHEM 0321. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Continuation of CHEM 0320. Prerequisite: CHEM 0320. Corequisite: CHEM 0323.

CHEM Ìý0322. ÌýORGANIC ÌýCHEMISTRY ÌýLABORATORY ÌýI. Ìý1st ÌýSemester. ÌýLab Ìý6, Ìý2 Ìýcredits.ÌýIllustrative practical applications of the principles presented in CHEM 0320. Lab assignments are project-based. Corequisite: CHEM 0320.

CHEM 0323. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY II. 2nd Semester. Lab 6, 2 credits.ÌýContinuation of CHEM 0322. Prerequisite: CHEM 0322. Corequisite: CHEM 0321.

CHEM 0360. BIOCHEMISTRY OF CELL REGULATION. 2nd semester, Lect. 3, 3 credits. Fundamental principles of biochemistry (protein structure and function, conformational change, kinetics, thermodynamics, equilibrium, etc.) are covered. Cell biology topics will include plasma membrane and membrane proteins, cellsignaling cascades, regulation of gene transcription and translation, regulation of
the cell cycle, cancer and oncogenes, nerve transmission, and immune response. Also listed as BIOL 360. Prerequisite: CHEM 231 and 322. Corequisite: CHEM 320.

CHEM 0361. INTRODUCTION TO METHODS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2nd semester, Lab 3,Ìý1 credit. Methods for the isolation, purification, and assay of biomolecules from tissue, plants, food, or cell extracts. Methods will include biochemical assays, spectroscopy, chromatography, and electrophoresis. Also listed as BIOL 361. Prerequisite: CHEM 233 and 234. Corequisite: CHEM 322.

CHEM 0399. UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. 1-5 credits. The course is intended to introduce chemistry majors to the techniques of laboratory research. They will complete projects assigned by a research faculty member, under his or her supervision. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.

CHEM 0401. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Thermodynamics and its application to physical-chemical systems; properties of gases, liquids and solids; chemical kinetics; atomic and molecular structure; spectroscopy; and an introduction to statistical mechanics. Prerequisites: MATH 0208, PHYS 0311, CHEM 320, and CHEM 0307.
CHEM 0402. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Continuation Ìýof CHEM 0401. Prerequisite: CHEM 0401.

CHEM 0403. EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 1st Semester. Lab 6, 2 credits.ÌýInstruction in physical chemistry laboratory procedures, including the use of vacuum systems, electrical measurements, optical measurements and spectroscopy. The experiments are intended to illustrate the theoretical principles discussed in the lecture. Prerequisites: CHEM 0322 and CHEM 0308.ÌýCorequsite: CHEM 0401

CHEM 0404. EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. 2nd Semester. Lab 6, 2 credits.ÌýContinuation of CHEM 0403. Prerequisite: CHEM 0403. Corequisite: CHEM 0402.

CHEM 0499. UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. 1-5 credits. The course is intended to introduce chemistry majors to the techniques of laboratory research. They will complete projects assigned by a research faculty member, under his or her supervision. A formal report required. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.

CHEM 0500. ADVANCED INORGANIC SYNTHESIS. 2nd Semester. Lect. 1, Lab 6, 3 credits. Synthesis and characterization of inorganic compounds. Various modern techniques (vacuum, inert-atmosphere, electrolytic, spectroscopic) are utilized. Prerequisites: CHEM 0404, CHEM 0323, CHEM 0308, and CHEM 0238.

CHEM 0513. ADVANCED INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1st or 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Chemistry of elements other than carbon. Topics emphasize atomic and molecular structure, ionic and covalent bonding theories, symmetry, acid base theories, transition metal compounds and chemistry of selected representative elements. Prerequisite: CHEM 0401 and CHEM 237.

CHEM 0524. POLYMER CHEMISTRY. 1st or 2nd Semester. Lect. 2; Lab 6, 4 credits. A survey course on polymeric materials. Areas covered are the synthesis and reactions of polymers, thermodynamics and kinetics of polymerization, the physical characterization of polymers and the fabrication, testing and uses of polymers. These topics are integrated into both the lecture and the laboratory.
Prerequisites: CHEM 0321 and 0323; CHEM 0402 and 0404.

CHEM 0541. ÌýINSTRUMENTAL ÌýANALYSIS. 1st Semester. ÌýLect. Ìý2. Lab Ìý3, Ìý3 Ìýcredits. The application of modern analytical techniques to analysis with emphasis on the instrumentation and the interpretation of experimental data. Prerequisites: CHEM 0307 and 0308; CHEM 0401.

CHEM 0551. SEMINAR. 1st Semester. Lect. 1, 1 credit. Open to Senior chemistry majors only. The student is acquainted with latest advances inchemical knowledge by means of papers, written reports, and discussions. Students are required to conduct literature searches.

CHEM Ìý0552. ÌýSEMINAR. Ìý2nd ÌýSemester. ÌýLect. Ìý1, Ìý1 Ìýcredit. ÌýContinuation Ìýof ÌýCHEM Ìý0551.ÌýPrerequisite: CHEM 0551.

CHEM 0561. BIOCHEMISTRY I. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Chemistry and metabolism of major biological materials, and their roles in the biochemical process of living organisms.
Prerequisite: CHEM 0321.

CHEM 0562. BIOCHEMISTRY LABORATORY I. 1st and 2nd Semesters. Lab. 3, 1 credit. Laboratory application and illustration of the principles covered in CHEM 0561.

CHEM 0563. BIOCHEMISTRY II. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Continuation of CHEM 561 with emphasis on the structure and function of biomolecules, biosynthesis, genome structure and regulation of gene expression. Prerequisite: CHEM 561 or CHEM 360

CHEM 0564. BIOCHEMISTRY LABORATORY II. 2nd semester. Lab 3, 1 credit. Continuation of CHEM 562 with experiments designed to satisfy both the chemical and molecular biology aspects of biochemistry. Prerequisite: CHEM 562.


CHEM 0614. SPECIAL TOPICS IN INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Offered on demand. Lect. 3, 3Ìýcredits. Topics may be selected from the following: transition metal chemistry, organometallic chemistry, kinetics and mechanisms, catalysis, crystallography, non-aqueous solvents; radio- chemistry; detailed chemistry of selected elements. Prerequisite: CHEM 0513.

CHEM 0622. ADVANCED ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 1st or 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Fundamental principles and theories of organic chemistry at an advanced level. Prerequisite: CHEM 0321 and CHEM 0402.

CHEM 0623. SPECIAL TOPICS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Offered on demand. Lect. 3, 3Ìýcredits. Topics may be selected from the following: stereochemistry, molecular orbital theory; free radicals; terpenes; hereocyclic compounds; photochemistry; new techniques in synthesis. Prerequisites: CHEM 0321 and CHEM 0402.

CHEM 0634. CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS. Offered on demand. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Applications of the first and second laws to real gases, liquids and solutions and an advanced treatment of chemical equilibria. Prerequisite: CHEM 0402.

CHEM 0635. SPECIAL TOPICS IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. Offered on demand. Lect. 3, 3Ìýcredits. Topics may be selected from the following: quantum mechanics, quantum chemistry; atomic and molecular structure; statistical thermodynamics; and others.
Prerequisite: CHEM 0402.
CHEM 0641. SPECIAL TOPICS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Offered on demand. Lect 3.Ìý3 credits. Topics are selected from modern procedures and methods of analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 402.

CHEM 0651/652. SEMINAR. 1st and 2nd Semester, respectively. 1 credit. Participation by faculty, ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½, and guest lecturers. Required for all chemistry graduate ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½.

CHEM 0662. SPECIAL TOPICS IN BIOCHEMISTRY. Offered on demand. Lect.3, 3 credits. Topics may be selected from the following: nucleic acids and nucleoproteins; genetic aspects of metabolism; general metabolism; porphyrins; oxidation in biological systems. Prerequisite: CHEM 0561.

CHEM 0663. MOLECULAR BIOCHEMISTRY. Offered on demand. Lect. 3, 3 credits. The chemistry and metabolism of biological macromolecules, including proteins and nucleic acids. Biochemical oxidations and energetics, electron transport, enzyme properties, metabolic regulation and photosynthesis are included. Prerequisite: CHEM 0561.

CHEM 0700. RESEARCH. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. 1-6 credits. Arranged under the supervision of a major advisor in the specific area of research interest. Prerequisite: Graduate Status.

CHEM 0752. CONTINUOUS REGISTRATION. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. 0 credit. For ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ writing their thesis and/or studying for examinations.

CHEM 0754. CANDIDATE FOR DEGREE. 1st and 2nd Semesters, Summer. 0 credit. For ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ who have finished all requirements and are graduating during the current semester.

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