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Social Work: The profession that provides care for humankind throughout the life cycle.
The Department of Social Work offers an undergraduate and graduate program of study insocial work.
Learn more about our graduate online Masters of Social Work (MSW) program CLICK HERE.
The mission of the Department of Social Work Bachelors of Social Work (BSW) program is to provide a quality educational program, including curriculum and teaching practices, that successfully prepares ۿ۴ý for generalist practice that promotes social and economic justice and enhances human and community well-being for individuals, groups, families, and communities. For others not immediately entering the field after graduation, the program prepares ۿ۴ý to continue their social work education at the graduate level. As an Historically Black College University (HBCU), the Department is committed to preparing African-American ۿ۴ý, and marginalized and disadvantaged ۿ۴ý for strength based generalist practice with other vulnerable populations. The Department develops its bachelor of social work (BSW) ۿ۴ý’ core social work competencies, leadership skills, and knowledge of the global social work context. It also instills in early career generalist practitioners the importance of evidence-based practice and the rigorous evaluation of social work practice and programs.
The Department’s vision is for BSW program graduates to promote social and economic justice and enhance human and community well-being for vulnerable individuals, groups, families, and communities across the state, nation, and world. As generalist practitioners they also will engage in ethical and culturally competent practice. As society undergoes radical technological, economic, and social changes, ۿ۴ý will empower those who are left behind and do so with a compassionate heart. We believe, as University’s co-founder, Booker T. Washington did, that, “Education is not what a person is able to hold in his head, so much as it is .... skill of hand, and strength of mind and heart; and we help you in these ways.”
Department of Social Work
College of Arts and Sciences
Tuskegee, AL 36088
Phone: (334) 727-8300
Fax: (334) 725-5476
The ۿ۴ýUniversityDepartment of Social Work has been accredited by the since 1974. The Council on Social Work Education is a nonprofit national association representing more than 2,500 individual members, as well as graduate and undergraduate programs of professional social work education. Founded in 1952, this partnership of educational and professional institutions, social welfare agencies, and private citizens is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation(CHEA) as the sole accrediting agency for social work education in this country.
The Department of Social Work at ۿ۴ýUniversity is also a member of the . The Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors, Inc. (BPD) is a voluntary, individual membership association that since 1975 has represented the interests of undergraduate education and practice in social work. The association's approximately 800 members represent BSW program directors, baccalaureate faculty and field coordinators, as well as social work educators and practitioners who have an interest in BSW education and practice.
The goals of the Department of Social Work at ۿ۴ýUniversity are listed below and are a derivation of its mission:
Students who obtain a Bachelor of Science Degree from the Department of Social Work at ۿ۴ýUniversity shall:
The Department of Social Work has scholarships available to ۿ۴ý who need tuition or book assistance for matriculation through the undergraduate programfrom supporters of BSW education: Students must be referred for these scholarships by their financial aid advisor or the Bursar Office based on financial need/meritand meet all criteria and requirements for the applicaiton of the scholarship. Students interested in the scholarships should visit the and contact the Department Secretary, Mrs. Denise Fitzpatrick for more details and the application/requirements at or 3347278300. Students may learn of other social work major specific national, priviate, and association scholarships on the S as well.
1. t and General Tuition Scholarship Funds
2. The Department of Social Work General Scholarship Fund
3. The James A. Perkins Tuition Scholarship
4.Dr.Theartice Gentry Memorial Tuition Scholarship
5.Dr. Francis A. Taylor III Social Work Scholarship
6. Book Scholarship
7.The Adrianna McCray and Sylvester Wallace Memorial Book Scholarship
Other available scholarships are the University Scholarships
The Department of Social Work BSW program has memorandums of understandings (MOUs)/parternships with various partners for the education program. These partners assist with education curriculum, research, and career networkingopportunities. Our partnerships are as follow, to include but not limited to the following partners:
1. Flordia State University- SUDs Consortium
3. SAMSHA- SUDs Community Outreach and Education
The Department of Social Work BSW program has partnerships with many graduate school of social work programs for partial or full tuition to graduate school. Students may explore any graduate school, but highly encourage to seek out our partner graduate school insitituations who have an memorandum of understanding with our Department for ۿ۴ýUniversity social work ۿ۴ý designated scholarhips! Students interested in these opportunities should attend the Department's Graduate School hybrid sessions and contact the recruiter of the University the junior and senior years within the program. Students may find detail information about these graduate school scholarship opportunites and othersat the
1. T-KimNixon Endowed Scholarship & Daniel Foundation Scholarship
2. -
4. - Minority Matriculation Scholarship
The Department of Social Work in partnership with the Department of History and Pre-law at ۿ۴ýUnivesity has available to ۿ۴ý the option for the Law Ready Program that will give undergraduate ۿ۴ý the opportunity to take courses for graduate Law School credit to acceleratethrough theirmatricultation for graduate studies. The online MSW program at ۿ۴ýUnivesity has an option for a dual degree in Law that is apart of this partnership.
ۿ۴ýUniversity is located in Tuskegee, Alabama which is 40 miles east of the Alabama State Capital in Montgomery, Alabama. Although the University is located in a rural setting, the Social Work program has been designed to provide ۿ۴ý with Advance Generalust and Clinical Practice opportunities. Students not only perform their Field Practicum in Tuskegee, but partnerships have been developed with Social Services agencies domedtic and abroad from which they intern.
Students get an opportunity to apply the Advanced Generalist and Clinical Practice skills in a host of settings such as Hospitals, including the VA Hospitals, Schools, Nursing Homes, Mental Health, Centers, Department of Corrections, Department of Family and Children Services, Community Organizations and Data Analysis. In these area of Practice, ۿ۴ý use Advanced Generalist Social Work skills such as Engagement, Assessment, Evaluation and Termination. Recognizing that the context of practice is dynamic. Student recognize that the Social Worker through their knowledge base as well as their years of experience will use their skill sets to obtain necessary resources from the Community. Social Workers will also use these resources to enhance their client's capacity for social functioning and create societal conditions that are favorable to their goals. This is the profession of Social Work.
Internship sites also include; Community Centers, Juvenile and Adult Detention Centers, Work Release Programs as well as Human Resources, and Federal Correctional Systems. Students have a wide range of opportunities to obtain valuable experience. They provide direct practice at the Micro and Mezzo level notably, Individuals and Family or Groups.
BSW Program Formal Admissions Guidebook
Practicum and Internship Repository
"Many of our longstanding educational sites rate the Time2Track system with 5 stars for being userfriendly and for ease of supervision."- Dr. April Jones, Departmemt Head of Social Work.Learn more about our story at the link below."-Dr. April Jones, Department Head/Associate Professor.Learn more about our story at the link below:
Our Time2Track article has been released. See our article on pages 66-69.
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