

Sales and Marketing Concentration

Students who choose the Sales and Marketing concentration take foundational courses along with Marketing course in consumer behavior, market research, and international marketing. Sales based courses include: Sales management, Professional selling, and Promotional strategy.

Graduates have the skills to qualify for careers within profit and nonprofit organizations and retail management. They will find entry-level sales and marketing opportunities. Potential sales related opportunities include: Sales manager, Sales representative, Advertising coordinator, Retail manager. The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects employment growth above average over the 2018-2028 period.


  • An ability to demonstrate knowledge of core business skills.
  • An ability to demonstrate a fundamental and intermediate knowledge of existing sales and marketing theory.
  • An ability to demonstrate analytical and problem solving skills required to address business problems.
  • An ability to effectively communicate across the channel of distribution business concepts, and principles.
  • An ability to develop ethical perspectives and sense of moral responsibility.
  • An ability to demonstrate knowledge of procurement methods and the importance of developing buyer-supplier relationships.
  • An ability to analyze and operate in different global economic and business systems.
  • An ability to demonstrate the skills, knowledge and ability to research, synthesize, make decisions, develop / implement and use feedback to operate and control business systems.


BUSN 0311. MARKETING. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. A comprehensive survey of the  marketing system primarily focused with the matching of markets and products and effective ownership transfer. Students will be exposed to those business activities involved in moving goods and services from manufacturing and other producers to final consumers and users. Prerequisite: ECON 0201, 0202.

BUSN 0312. MARKETING/SALES MANAGEMENT. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. This course examines the elements of an effective sales force as a key component of the organization’s total marketing effort. Prerequisite: BUSN 0311.

BUSN 0316. CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. The focus of this course is the effect of cultural, social and psychological factors upon the buying habits of consumers. Prerequisite: Junior standing.

BUSN 0400. BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS. 1st and 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. This course focuses on the practice of using correct, forceful English in business communications (both oral and written); consideration of style, structure and aims of business letters and reports; principles and types of communication leading to better practices in managerial operations.

BUSN 0408. SALES FORECASTING & MARKETING ANALYSIS. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. Introduction to research techniques and procedures associated with various market systems. Prerequisites: BUSN 311, ECON 301.

BUSN 0412. INTERNATIONAL MARKETING. 2nd Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. A study of several international market systems is done in this course; the practice of marketing administration by businesses operating within these marketing systems. Prerequisite: BUSN 312.

BUSN 0414. PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY. 1st Semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. This course focuses on planning, developing and executing an integrated marketing communication plan through demonstrated understanding of principles and concepts used to acquaint consumers with products and services offered in the marketplace. Prerequisite BUSN 312.

BUSN 0445. PROFESSIONAL SELLING. 2nd semester. Lect. 3, 3 credits. This course focuses on building long-term partnerships with customers, with an emphasis on business-to-business sales. Sales communication methods including effective listening, critical questioning, sales presentations, communicating value, responding to concerns and creating action will be examined and practiced. Students will develop and deliver a sales plan and an effective sales presentation. Prerequisite: BUSN 312.